aMbeR's mY sO-caLLeD liFe: November 2006


Designed by: hawKS
Pictures from: pincel3d

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
「 Time posted 3:37 PM 」

Okay, this is my first post! How exciting! I've been so busy scrapbooking as of late. It's such a great way to release all my stresses.

On the family front, everything has been going well. We were all exposed to the flu thanks to my loving Dad! Luckily, no signs of sickness yet. Poor guy, he hardly ever gets sick. Whenever he does though, it's usually this time of year. Last year I remember we all got the flu starting with Brinley. Cayden and I followed suit...then Lee a week later. It was awful! Bad memories and tons of laundry. (definitely one of my least favorite household tasks)

Speaking of laundry, I need to get to it. It's like Lee and I have been on a laundry stand-off. I can probably count the times that he's folded laundry on one hand since we've been married. I critiqued him ONE time after he folded it soon after our wedding...and he hasn't had the desire since. I felt so bad!! And once he noticed that I re-folded the towels after he got ahold of them. So, in an attempt to get him to kinda wanna help with this daunting chore...I've been letting the clean laundry pile up in a huge heap. He just goes in the laundry room, picks out what he needs, sighs a big sigh, then leaves. Maybe he'll pick up on the hint. We'll see. It's amazing how two little people thrown into the mix of our family can create so much more laundry! Brinley has to be the messiest eater on the face of the planet!!! It's made for some great pictures though.

I'm really concerned as to who is going to read my first post. I've done xanga before (oops, I probably shouldn't mention the competition) but I really like this format. My xanga site will be for my more wild side. And this one will be for the more structured part of me.

I better do something with all that laundry.

haPpy huG daY! I don't know where that came fromm, but every day should be declared a happy hug day!


Welcome to the blogger world. LOL

By Blogger Yvonne, at 11:59 AM  

Welcome to the blogger world. LOL

By Blogger Yvonne, at 12:02 PM  

WHOOHOOOOOO!!! you have a blog!!

I'm addin ya to my list!!

have a happy day!!

By Blogger Unknown, at 11:23 AM  

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