aMbeR's mY sO-caLLeD liFe: January 2007


Designed by: hawKS
Pictures from: pincel3d

Sunday, January 28, 2007
「 Time posted 1:34 AM 」

My sweet baby girl's birthday party was today that had to be postponed for two weekends in a row now. I'll post more later on the day's events & pictures. I'm so worn out. Throwing a party is such a stressful event for me for some reason. It took forever to unload the car & go through all of the gifts & find their place in our house. Plus, we had some company. Catch ya on the flip side.


I hope you got some good deep sleep! I know you must have been all keyed up about the party. Glad you got to finally have it! Whew! HUH? LOL *hugs*

By Blogger Aimeslee Winans, at 8:56 AM  

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Thursday, January 25, 2007
「 Time posted 1:39 AM 」

"If I could catch the moon for you, sweetie, I would." The words of this mother tonight to my little 2 year old daughter as we looked out her bedroom window at the moon. We always have to hunt for it every night, whether we can see it or not. Lately, it's been cloudy skies or precipitation-filled skies for us. So she was so excited when I found the moon for her before we broke out in a verse of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star-one of the many songs she can sing by heart. God bless that little heart of her's. I'm in love with her. Even though the last few days after her birthday have been filled with screaming "terrible two" fits for her....I'm still in awe of my little girl. The little girl that has to put up with a brother who taunts her all day. The little girl that says "kiss it" after she gets hurt. The little girl who honks her Daddy's "honker" of a nose. The little girl who I caught singing her A, B, C's the other day. The little girl who gets to the number 10 then says 14. The little girl that tonight tore her napkin in two pieces so she could share it with her brother. The little girl who loves pink & frills & dolls & balls. The little girl who exerts her independence. The little girl who says "I don't like it" about everything it seems. The little girl who whispers little stories in my ear. The little girl who wants me to give her the moon. My little girl....always & forever. I love you, my little moon-beamed, star-struck girl.


Awww, there's some perfect journaling for an awesome layout using that photo! Ta-da! *hugs*

By Blogger Aimeslee Winans, at 8:55 AM  

She is adorable!

By Blogger Yvonne, at 10:24 AM  

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
「 Time posted 1:42 AM 」

I have been major issues getting to bed at night & then I want to take a nap whenever the kids are down for their's. I just can't seem to wind down. Who knows? Maybe it's all that I have on my plate right now. I have so many scrap projects to get done. My baby girl's 2nd birthday party is finally gonna happen this Saturday. It's been postponed twice due to nasty MO weather. I haven't told everybody that I invited the first go-around about the new date. So, I'll be on the phone most of the day tomorrow. My house needs a good make-over. Sometimes I wish someone would anonymously write Oprah or somebody & nominate me for some free year's worth of Merry Maids or something. OH well. At least instead of franctically cleaning all day, I played a lot with the kids. We made sticker collages & played with our portable phone's ring-tones. That thing is worse than a cell phone. It has like 15 different ring options. But it makes for great entertainment for a 2 & 3 year old. Maybe we just need to get out of these 4 walls more often.

One of my scrappy goals for this year is to keep a tally of all my LO's I complete. I'm telling ya. On-line crops make me shell out some pages! They are such a blast! As long as your power doesn't go off.

Here's a few pics from today! I'm gonna go try to catch a few zzzz's.


very cute photos...

By Blogger {Susan...Seriously.}, at 7:55 AM  

Precious kiddos! Girl, I hope ya'll had that party yesterday! 3rd times a charm! *hugs*

By Blogger Aimeslee Winans, at 8:54 AM  

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Saturday, January 20, 2007
「 Time posted 2:01 AM 」

Here are some pics of my sad tree. All the ice weighted it down. I hope it recovers.

So yes, today our power went out again. Yep, from a little before noon til approximately 6 pm....zilch on the electricity. I was anxiously awaiting some awesome post on 2SCD (which there's an awesome sale going on over there BTW) & all of a sudden.....WHOOSH!! The power went off & I was looking at a black screen. GRRRRRR!!!! Why does it always have to happen whenever I'm on the scrapbook forum?!!! Or hello! During the on-line crop!!! Yep, I'm obsessed. I know it. I'll admit to it. Scrapbooking is my obsession. When my lights go out, no on-line cropping. No blog stalking. No checking out chix's projects. No keeping up with challenges. No browsing new products. Nothing. Nada. So depressing. NO blogging. That's for sure!

So, to help you all understand (whoever reads my blog & since no body really knows that it exists....that's probably a big whopping 0) I'll let you in on my scrapbook hang-ups. Yes, I do have hang-ups about scrapbooking. And more than likely, these hang-ups will end up on a page. I scratched these down one night.

My Hang-Ups About Scrapbooking
1. People look at me crazy wheneer I tell them about the weird, "what-you-can-find-at-home" stuff I put on my pages or what sorts of things I alter.
2. At bedtime my mind is still overloading on ideas for projects.
3. I think I've come up with a cutting edge technique or unique idea & then I see someone else has thought of that in my next scrap mag issue.
4. Too many pictures, too little time
5. My urge to sleep in after staying up into the wee hours designing & not being able to
6. Dropping my scrapbook magazine in my bath water, because a bath can't be relaxing enough without checking out the latest trends & ideas.
7. Any time I get money, all I can think about is new product.
8. Any time I'm at the scrapbook store, I rarely walk out without spending money.

So, here's my philosophy on number 1 & 7. So maybe my scrapbook style is thrifty or maybe a little on the eclectic side. But I can't always make a trip to the scrapbook store or go on-line to buy new product. Sure, my obsession with scrapbooking has to be fed.....but...
so do my kids.

Toodles! HOpe everyone is safe, warm, & well-fed. I'm hoping my friends who still don't have power (going on a week today) get it back ASAP!


Amber-Glow, I totally love your 10 things. I admire how you scrap on a budget cuz hey, ya know what? In the end, we spend WAY too much on fluff that someone else says is important. And I love your spunk and tenacity, gurl. Please keep it goin'. And, I also like your posts, so don't quit. You are a very good writer!


By Blogger Aimeslee Winans, at 4:42 AM  

are you just NOW sharing this with us? you should scrap your list!

By Blogger {Susan...Seriously.}, at 7:55 AM  

you should totally scrap your list! great post! I'm glad you guys are safe and hopefully your paower will stay on!

By Blogger Becky, at 11:11 PM  

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Friday, January 19, 2007
「 Time posted 2:15 AM 」

Okay, so I'm gonna really try to get ahold of myself & take a skinny dip into the blogging pool. I realize that if I kept up with this a little bit everyday that it would help me remember the every day things in life that I'm really kicking myself hard for forgetting.

It has been crazy!!! I feel like I've been living in Mr. Freeze has bitten me in the toosh! We've had a huge ice storm hit the MO. The last time I had to sleep 4 people in a bed for body heat was back in 1988's icescapade storm. I had to sleep with my parents then. But this time, I was the parent sleeping with my two kids. We roughed it without power for days. No running water. That means, no showers, no baths, no washing hands!!!!!! I thought I was gonna go crazy several times. I had hand sanitizer though....but it's not the same! My in-laws were smart enough to fill the tubs full of water so we could flush the toilets. My husband & I were very unprepared. We had no way of heating the house, so we had to stay at the in-laws. Luckily, I can handle 'em. Eventually the tree branches started snapping under the weight of the ice, making our driveway impossible to pass except on foot. Needless to say, I've done quite a bit of hiking the last several days. I didn't know I had it in me! Of all the times I was out on the slick ice, I didn't fall!! I was so proud. I really found out how much a I really take for granted the simplest luxuries in life. Try taking pictures in the dark. It's really funny!

I can't believe everything that's happened! Friday the ice came & more came later. Sunday was Brinley's 2nd birthday! While she had a fairly good morning....I put birthday candles in the middle of her toast....we were without power later that afternoon. So, no party for her. We had to cancel that on Saturday due to the treacherous driving conditions. We'll make up for it somehow. I've got her Cinderella cake in the deep freeze (which luckily didn't thaw out while the power was off). [The best thing about her turning 2 is that she pretty much potty-trained herself during the whole ordeal! It was SOOOOO nice for me. I hope now that we have electricity that she's not gonna slack off. That goes for me too. I have so much catching up to do since I haven't been at my house since Sunday. You can imagine the pile of laundry that I had before the black-out. Now try to imagine the pile of laundry that I have NOW! Argggghhhh! I hate that dreadful chore!]

Then, came MOnday. Still no power. At my in-law's because they had a gas fireplace. It was our 7th anniversary. No going out to eat. Lucky to have something to eat. We did eat steak that my father-in-law grilled for everyone. Not too bad. It has just been way too stressful! My darling husband did bring me home a mocha with a shot of caramel yesterday afternoon that lifted my spirits a little. It felt so wonderful to drink something warm. My father-in-law is a huge coffee drinker, so he took a stab at heating some water on the grill. The smell of smoked coffee filled the air. I wasn't about to drink it! haha!

I've taken tons of pictures of my eventful last several days of existence. I'll have to post pictures later!

BTW, sorry there was absolutley no flow to this post. My brain is completely fried. I think I'm in the stages of post tramautic stress or something. I hope this finds everyone safe, warm, & CLEAN.


Hey Amber_Glow! I just now saw your blog link in your siggie at 2SCD. You've got a reader now, so ya better update at least every day, ROFL, ok, you can skip a day every ONCE in a while. And you need to come visit mine, too. So happy you are blogging, so bummed at what you poor babies have had to endure! Man, that ain't what Show Me means, huh? *hugs*

By Blogger Aimeslee Winans, at 4:40 AM  

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